The London and Southampton Railway was first proposed in 1831 and the bill approved by Parliament in 1834 at a cost of £900,000. The section between Basingstoke and Winchester opened on 11 May 1840 – and was the final part of the London and Southampton Railway to be completed. Prior to its construction, all of the traffic between London and Southampton was carried by eight stage coaches, four wagons per week, and one barge weekly on the Basingstoke Canal!
The London and Southampton Railway was first proposed in 1831 and the bill approved by Parliament in 1834 at a cost of £900,000. The section between Basingstoke and Winchester opened on 11 May 1840 – and was the final part of the London and Southampton Railway to be completed. Prior to its construction, all of the traffic between London and Southampton was carried by eight stage coaches, four wagons per week, and one barge weekly on the Basingstoke Canal!
The London and Southampton Railway was first proposed in 1831 and the bill approved by Parliament in 1834 at a cost of £900,000. The section between Basingstoke and Winchester opened on 11 May 1840 – and was the final part of the London and Southampton Railway to be completed. Prior to its construction, all of the traffic between London and Southampton was carried by eight stage coaches, four wagons per week, and one barge weekly on the Basingstoke Canal!
Newton - Notes on Village life post World War 2

Taken from Jim Walke's scrapbook...................
The Great winter of 1947
Church changed from oil lamps to electricity in the autumn of 1951.
October 1970
Mr William Henry Whitear of 116 Duke Street, Micheldever died; aged 78; well-known thatcher and 25 years Micheldever's postman.
Also, John Willie Tabbit of 1 Cowdown Farm Cottages died on 28 September at age of 72, employed by Lord Rank until retirement following an accident seven years ago.
St Andrews Church Micheldever Station was closed. The building used to be the school until this closed in 1948, and it became a church. Fabric deteriorated and the cost of repairs was more than could be met. So it was closed forthwith.
Parish Council expressed concern that the proposed M3 motorway would pass close to East Stratton and pressed for a slight deviation.
Tennis Club with 50 members......
Rev D M H Gill was appointed to be Rector of Minstead.
Rev D M H Gill was ordained in 1936. started the new Parish of Epiphany at Moordown, Bournemouth. Came to Micheldever in 1945 and over 16 years was the Diocesan Inspector of Schools. Farewell at Northbrook Hall on 29 December on an extremely wintry evening.
new Vicar was Rev C G Webb, Assistant Curate of St Andrew's Bournemouth. Inducted on June 4th.
Mr Whistler reiterated his contention that signposts saying Larkwhistle Farm Road was not a proper description of the road leading from the A33 to Micheldever Station. It was agreed to ask the RDC member's assistance in this matter.
December 1970
Henry William Bunce was fined £15 for driving his mechanical road sweeper into the back of an articulated lorry on the Winchester by-pass.
January 1971
The Parish of All Saints East Stratton is one of the dying numbers which still observe the first Sunday after the Epiphany as Plough Sunday, the first of the "agricultural circle". Many visitors from neighbouring parishes joined the congregation for Evensong, which was fully choral, the Canticles being sung to Bunnet in F, following Lessons read by farmers, Mr J Freeland and Mr D Witt.
Dean Selwyn’s hymn of the Hampshire Countryside introduced Mr Lovell, who had kindly loaned the plough placed in the chancel, which he asked the Rev. C Webb to bless. He was supported by Mr Freeland, Mr D Futcher, and Mr F Messenger (representing the Forestry Commission)
The traditional blessing of the plough ended with the lovely musical setting of the Grace, adapted from T Walker. Mr Webb's Address and Blessing were concluded by Tolhurst's Sevenfold Amen, and Mansfield's Vesper in C brought this beautiful service to a close.
July 1971
Parish council - Police carried out a survey of the traffic in and around Micheldever Station. They, as police, did not observe any undue speeding of the large goods vehicles using the area but did confirm the Council's figures that upwards of eighty large goods lorries, tankers etc are using these small roads every day and that this traffic most likely will increase as the various site owners' business increase.
August 1971
Lady Rank died on 18 August 1971 aged 82. The service was at the Methodist Church, Sutton Scotney. The service was private, attended only by relatives and members of Lord Rank's immediate staff. The hymns were "All people that on earth do dwell", "O perfect love, all human thought transcending", and "Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us." The reading was from St John Chapter 14. The service was followed by cremation at Stoneham, Southampton.
Lady Rank was instrumental in donating children's playgrounds at The Gratton, Sutton Scotney and Gratton Surgery; and at Micheldever Station. The new village hall at Micheldever Station was another of the local amenities to which she contributed. She attended the Sutton Scotney Sunshine Club for Over 60s as President and Lord Rank's Family Film Services in the Victoria Hall. "Her wonderful personality and great kindness will always be remembered and cherished."
September 1971
Mr A A Cole, of Coxford Farm, planned to turn 50 acres into the biggest indoor horse arena in South of England. To open in January next year. Hall to be for sporting activity. (What happened to this proposal?)
Parish Council to produce Parish Footpath Maps to be available to parishioners free of charge.
Mr Swann gave a report that he had completed as far as possible his mammoth task of listing buildings, houses, archaeological finds and treasures of this parish. His has been a large task and it has taken 21 months of Mr Swann's spare time. The Council expressed their warm thanks to him.
December 1971,
The death of Mr Friedrich Bender of 26 Southbrook Cottages, Micheldever, aged 65 years. Funeral on Christmas Eve. Buried in the churchyard.
January 1972
Richard Attwood of the Anchorage, Northbrook, died suddenly but peacefully at his home on December 22. Aged 66, survived by his widow, Mrs D M Attwood, his daughter and his brother, Mr F W Attwood. He served in the Royal Marines for 24 years, in many theatres of operation, including HMS Exeter at the Battle of the River Plate, and was the local gravedigger prior to joining the Forestry Commission. He enjoyed gardening and do-it-yourself jobs around the house and took a general interest in all village activities. Mrs D Attwood and Pamela wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours and the Rev. Webb for floral tributes, letters and help in their sad loss. Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement.
From curtain-up to finale in 45 minutes flat must surely be something of a record for any production of "Cinderella". Nevertheless, this was all the time needed by a group of young people from within the village to act out this popular pantomime in the Northbrook Hall last Saturday evening. ........
February 1972
It was agreed that the Council should obtain and instruct a solicitor to represent them at the future enquiry into their claim of "Common Rights" on behalf of the parish on the verge-side areas of the Cowdown. Mr Cockram on behalf of the Council agreed to carry out a survey of county records and to attempt to unearth what evidence he could in support of this claim.
April 1972:
It was agreed that a solicitor is instructed to handle the Parish Council's case at the forthcoming inquiry on the registration of the Cowdown as having "Rights of Common."
See April 1976
July 1972
John Peter Francis Strode (19) of Strodes Cottage, Micheldever Station, died two days after being involved in an accident on the Winchester by-pass. Crushed by a trailer drawn by a tractor involved in kerbing work on the dual carriageway. It is thought that the trailer fell off the tractor which was driven by Mr Malcolm Wilson (25) of Hyde Street, Winchester.
21 July: funeral was held in St Mary the Virgin by Methodist Minister Rev. Arthur F. Royall as the Chapel would not have held the congregation.
November 1972
Miss Margaret Franklin, barmaid at her parent's pub the Half Moon and Spread Eagle became Whitbread Wessex Ideal Barmaid for 1972. By day she is a clerk at Lloyds Bank Winchester. "A customer looks first and foremost for a smiling face because it cheers everyone up. Next comes a clean and tidy bar - and a good pint".
December 1972
Parish Council discusses RDC's large Council house development of 36 houses in the Northbrook area of Micheldever.
January 1973
Parish Council heard that M3 motorway was being planned through the district but no information is yet available regarding the route.
Concern expressed at stubble burning.
Concern was expressed at a two-day jazz festival planned to take place in the parish.
March 1973
The planning sub-committee reported on how to mitigate some of the more noxious effects of the M3 extension and its construction. Agreed that an improvement in screening opposite West Bradley Cottages should be asked for. The Chairman reported that the South-East Construction Company was aware that the road would not only demolish houses at London Lodge but it would also cut off the water supply of the remaining cottage. They agreed to replace the water supply. It was a matter of priority that an earth screen should be erected along the motorway where it emerged from the cutting opposite East Stratton to reduce the noise and visual effect. Extra screening opposite Cow Down and near the cottages at Black Crate was needed.
August 1973
Proposal to build a vegetable/fruit processing and cold storage plant of 6000 tons of storage space of 28,000 sq. ft and 17,000 sq. ft. for freezing and packing peas to produce 5% of the country's frozen peas. A public meeting voted 54 against the planning proposal and 14 in favour. At the Parish Council meeting two days later, two voted in favour, one against with two abstentions and the Chairman not voting.
Later letters confirmed that no heavy transport would actually go through the village.
Mr Philip Gauntlett of Waterside Cottage died 22 Sept 1973, aged 64. He was a game consultant and adviser and secretary of the Game Farmers' Association. Came to Hampshire in 1964 to rear partridges on the Sutton Scotney Estate of Lord Rank. In 1968 started his own Sporting Agency. Trained his own Springer Spaniels.
September 1973
It was felt by the PC that if the recently erected "width restrictions" and "access only" signs at Micheldever Station were to be effective, additional pre-warning signs should be placed nearer the A33.
October 1973
The clerk's salary increased to £100 per annum due to the increased workload.
November 1973
The death of Miss Patricia Mary Walke of 12 Southbrook Place, aged 27 years. Survived by her parents Mr and Mrs E J Walke and a brother, Mr D Walke. Born in New Delhi in 1946 with a congenital heart defect which proved to be a severe handicap but in no way prevented her from taking an interest in life. She loved her dogs and contributed within her means to Severn Wildfowl Trust. She adored having children around her and knitted industriously, especially for expected "new arrivals" in the village. Psalm 23 is sung to the Crimond tune also "Blessed Are the Pure in Heart" and "Amazing Grace". The organist was Mr N Whistler.
It was agreed to approach the County Surveyor to see what improvements could be made to obtain better visibility and approach warning signs at the East Stratton turning on the A33.
On the Royal Wedding Day, Parish Church bell ringers decided to try for a quarter peal of Bob Minimus during the evening. This was the first time in 45 years, and probably much longer, that a local team had achieved a quarter peal involving 1272 changes and intense concentration for 53 minutes. Team members were Mr D Kimber, treble, Mr H Symes, Mrs R Haviland, Mr M Palmer, Mr G Price, and Mr G Whitear, tenor.
January 1974
It was observed with satisfaction that advance warning signs had been erected on the A33 at the East Stratton turning, and a letter of thanks would be sent to the County authorities.
March 1974
Dick Emery, a TV Comedian visited The Half Moon and Spread Eagle to smash a gallon whisky bottle which had been filled in five months with £159.40p. for Kidney Research Fund. Charles and Mary Franklin were mine hosts.
Parish Council is concerned about 5-acre site for SCATS at Larkwhistle Farm Road crossroads.
April 1974
Charles Franklin died aged 66, survived by his wife, four daughters and two sons. Licensee for 13 years. Previously licensee of Western Road Hotel at Micheldever Station for 9 years. ([this became derelict]
Mr Swann agreed to look into the possibility of introducing speed restrictions within the parish.
May 1974
There was concern expressed about the proposal to build a pea freezing and packing factory at Micheldever. Objectors worried because the cost of £1.5m was financed by a large national company which intends eventually to intensify the plant's use. If the freezer is built at Cowdown it will generate too much traffic. As peas will be processed only for part of the year, they could be used for other produce, increasing traffic further. Safeguards would be needed for proper effluent disposal. Apart from objectors, other local people welcomed the prospect of the freezer because it would provide 52 jobs.
Parish Council considered the difficulty of finding an acceptable speed limit to cover the village as a whole because of variable conditions, and it was suggested that a voluntary restriction system appealing to the good sense of the motorists should proceed. It was felt that many of the problems at Micheldever Station could be overcome by altering and re-siting the signs but since different criteria could be applied to East Stratton it was agreed to press for a 30-mile speed limit there.
July 1974
It was agreed that in view of the astronomical rise in rates, the Parish Council should show its concern by reducing their precept for the year, and it was therefore decided to ask for £500, a reduction of over half.
September 1974
The Chairman reported on a meeting with the Divisional Surveyor and an Inspector of Hampshire Constabulary when many local problems were discussed. The Surveyor felt that the construction of the public footway at The Crease could only be done at considerable expense, involving the purchase of land and the demolition of a wall. In view of the few people using this area, he could only give this problem a low priority but would place it on his programme to be looked at again within the next five years. ...He regretted that the various road signs suggested by the Council could not be installed as they did not come within the statutory list as allowed by the Council. However, the speed restrictions proposed by the Council would be put before the next meeting of the appropriate committee. It was felt that there was not enough traffic through West Stratton to justify a speed limit notice.
December 1974
Eleven separate planning applications by the Executors of the late Lord Rank for permission to erect more than 700 houses at sites in Micheldever, Wonston and Sutton Scotney were described as a "fiddle” by Winchester City Councillor, Mr Harry Aston. The Executors wanted the plans to be turned down in order to qualify for special compensation under a 1947 Act of Parliament. In 1947 some £300 million was put aside to pay compensation for planning applications which were refused. The scheme was done away with in the 1960s but claims for the Micheldever land had been received by that time. The present applications were in support of those claims which were for compensation at 1947 valuation.
Col Clive Grantham Austin died suddenly at his home, Roundwood. Born in Durham where his family was engaged in shipbuilding at Sunderland, he moved to Roundwood in 1918. Educated at Eton and Royal Military Academy Woolwich he was a Hampshire man by adoption. Served with Royal Horse Artillery for 9 years until he retired in 1933 to farm at Roundwood. Wounded during the East African Campaign at Keren. JP from 1940, Deputy Lieutenant in 1948 and chairman of Kingsclere Magistrates. Survived by Lady Lilian Austin, five daughters and 14 grandchildren.
January 1975
The Parish council recorded several near accidents caused by deer straying across the A33 to Northington, and it was agreed to ask District Surveyor to have warning signs erected. A resident of East Stratton reported that the parking of cars outside the church and the Village Hall was a traffic hazard. Serious concern was expressed about accidents, one of which was fatal, caused by flood water on the A33 near West Bradley Farm.
March 1975
The Parish Meeting expressed anxiety about the speed and amount of heavy traffic passing the school in Micheldever and asked the Parish Council to deal with this matter. Regarding the heavy traffic passing through Micheldever, the County Council would be pressed for a decision on width restrictions in the parish.
July 1975
The owners of Ideal Garage had approached the Parish Council about the poor visibility on the stretch of the A33 approaching the garage. A letter should be sent at once about this matter to Divisional Surveyor.
November 1975
A reply from the Department of the Environment regarding the Council's request for warning signs on the A33 approaching the Ideal Garage endorsed the County Council's refusal to erect any signs. The Chairman was authorised to continue to pursue this matter.
January 1976
The Chairman reported on further meetings to discuss the traffic problems on the A33. It had been proposed that three trees on the south side of the Ideal Garage should be felled, the hedge be cut to improve visibility, and the double white lines should be extended past the garage.
February 1976
Members of the PC expressed concern about the amount of heavy traffic using Larkwhistle Farm Road. It was agreed to ask to have broken white lines painted on the more dangerous bends in the road.
March 1976
Conservative Party Annual Meeting Mr W E J Drake adopted for the forthcoming local election.
April 1976
After a considerable period of time and much correspondence, the Council received an official notification of the registration of Cowdown by the Commons Commissioners, and members expressed their appreciation of the Chairman's work in this matter.
June 1976
The Chairman was unable to find a resident of East Stratton to represent the PC on the East Statton Hall Management Committee.
July 1976
The problem was discussed of damage to grass verges by traffic passing through the parish, and it was decided that reflector posts should be erected at the most vulnerable places.
October 1976
Members were concerned that traffic was diverted through Micheldever and East Stratton whenever there was a hold-up on the local stretch of the A33. Following an accident on the A33 in September, some drivers had lost their bearings on being diverted through Micheldever, and the Police had been asked to arrange for diversion and direction signs to be placed along the route to assist drivers.
November 1976
John Gordon Denning died at the age of 38 after a very brief illness. Son of Vice-Admiral Sir Norman and Lady Denning of Rose Cottage, Micheldever. He was a purser in the RFA.
December 1976
The death on 25 November of Mrs Annie Charlotte Day, aged 82, of "Bambi", Waterloo Cottages. Survived by her daughter, Hazel (Collins)
Lt.Col James Hughes (49) of Old Stores, Micheldever Station, died on the previous Sunday in a car crash in Essex.
July 1978
There was great excitement when Manor Farm was used by BBC to film a murder mystery, Malice Aforethought. Set in the 1920s, the film used the village street, Manor Farm House and the Bakehouse. Starred Hywell Bennet, Judy Parfit, and Cheryl Campbell. The film was shown on BBC in 1979
Micheldever branch surgery moved from Waterside Cottage to Manor Farm House in 1978.
May 1980
Retirement homes were built at the corner of Winchester Road and Duke Street. (Lane End)
In 1983 Councillor Fred Peachey of East Stratton was
elected Mayor of Winchester. He had been born in
Norfolk in 1910, educated in London, served in the
Yorkshire Regiment and the Military Police during the
war and on demobilisation joined the Forestry
Commission. For his services to forestry he was awarded
the British Empire Medal. When he retired in 1975 he sat
at an Independent councillor on Winchester City Council.
He died in 2002 aged 92.
In 1990 Manor House farmyard was sold and the barns developed into three dwellings.
Postscript 1993
A village like Micheldever changes over the years and
the Alms House once turned into flats have just been replaced with a fine close of `Starter Homes'. (Dever Close)
As you will see this has taken some 30 years
since it was first proposed, and some of the new
occupants are a whole generation later than those
who first `put their names on the list'.
It is good news that we now shall continue to have
families of all ages in Micheldever and not suffer the
fate of so many villages, where the average age
seems to increase inexorably.
31st December 1999
In Micheldever Village the millenium was seen in by a crowd outside the school. Inside the church a candle was lit.
Thank you to the Newton family for giving permission to to publish this text.